What is excessive sweating or hyperhidrosis?

Hyperhidrosis or excessive sweating, is when the body sweats in excess of what it needs to maintain a normal body temperature. The most commonly affected areas are the underarms, palms and soles but it can affect any body site. Excess sweating can be caused by a variety of factors; they can be genetic or triggered by factors like heat, spicy food, stress, or illness. 

Effective treatments for excess sweating

Whatever the cause, there are effective solutions for excess sweating available to you. Neuromodulators such as BOTOX® are commonly used and an excellent treatment option in many cases.

Benefits of excess sweating treatment

This treatment stops sweating right at its source – the sweat glands. The effects of this treatment can last up to nine months after the injections and minimum downtime is needed following treatment.


Book your consultation with Dr. Sutton to discuss an effective solution for hyperhidrosis today.